Summer meals, as a general rule, tend to be more refreshing, moist, light meals, and also contain a greater contribution of vegetables and fruits. Eating gently helps to minimize the effort of our digestive system and to better cope with the increase in temperature, both outside and in the human body itself, especially during digestion when the temperature inside our body rises. 

Lightening the amount of food in one meal to precisely avoid excess heat later, we call it having light digestion and not everyone is used to it. There are people who, if they do not feel the final heaviness, believe that they have not eaten enough or do not feel satisfied. It is what they have become accustomed to through daily habits. Heavy meals can be drowsy due to the great energy needed to cope with digestion. Therefore, before traveling it is advisable not to eat too much or too high in calories due to the great effort our body makes to carry out said digestion.

The kilocalorie (kcal) is a unit of heat, which means that it is the energy that each type of food gives us to carry out all functions: proteins and carbohydrates with 4 kcal/100 g and fats with 9 Kcal/100g of food. Vegetables, with few kcal, are the fundamental base of the summer, they are less caloric and much more digestible than the rest: most of them are water, vitamins, minerals, and almost imperceptible amounts of fat or protein with some carbohydrates that It usually gives them their natural sweetness.

This type of summer meal also entails, for our body, a constant replenishment of fluids and minerals that are lost due to increased body perspiration. This perspiration is the physical response to external heat to cool off. Drinking fruit juices is a good way to provide minerals and vitamins naturally, without buying processed products: lemonade, peach juice,… 

Another point to highlight at this time is that food is usually eaten cold and raw.

Let’s go in parts. The cold temperature of the food and preparations helps to calm the stifling heat outside. But is it really good for our body to eat cold foods? Cold foods do not help good digestion, rather they slow it down because the body must heat the food to carry out the entire digestion process. Our body has a temperature approximately between 35-37ºC and food must be transformed at this temperature right at the beginning of the digestive process. Not consuming hot foods can cause constipation. We should combine hot and cold foods or drink an infusion in the morning to help drag out the digestive contents. Waste foods should not be stored for a long time or come into contact with our internal organs excessively.

Although it may seems strange, in countries where the heat is extreme, hot foods are consumed to combat excess temperature. It’s the same as taking a hot shower. When you go outside you are not as hot because there is no contrast in temperatures between the body and the outside.

On the other hand, eating raw foods allows us to take better advantage of all the water-soluble vitamins and minerals that have not been destroyed by cooking. Vitamins are basically destroyed for three reasons: due to excessive cooking, leaving the plant to soak or due to the amount of time that has passed since it is cut from the plant. Eating with more vitamins depends on us and our knowledge. The storage of fruits and vegetables at home, even in the refrigerator, decreases as the days go by. That is why it is essential to consume food as quickly as possible after purchasing it because we do not know when it was pulled from the ground, or from a tree, or how long it has been in the store where we made the purchase. In summary, with each passing day its amount of nutrients decreases by 5%.

At this time of year, when the consumption of fruits and vegetables increases, we must take advantage of doing a little cleaning in our digestive system. Dedicating a dinner or several dinners to consuming only fruit will help our body to purify it, reduce inflammation and, above all, nourish it with vitamins, which is the function of food in summer. It also means a rest for our interior that translates into weight loss and an increase in energy.

We’ve all heard about cherry cures or pineapple cleanses. The purpose of these purifications is to “reset” our body, taking advantage of the fact that our body does not need as much energy. In winter things change, the body must raise its temperature to fight against the cold outside temperatures. The colder, the more energy. And the energy that comes from food is needed, both in quantity and quality, with more filling and caloric foods. 

And when a cold season comes, you have to “clean all the pipes” to make them more fluid and summer foods take care of this. If we look at summer foods, those that this hot season offers us are basically foods full of water full of vitamins: tomatoes, cucumbers, spring onions, watermelon, melon,… We can take them in the form of juices, salads, liquid salads, starters, desserts, and everything you can use.



The star dish of summer is undoubtedly the salad. According to the RAE, salad is a feminine name and is defined as “Vegetable or set of mixed vegetables, cut into pieces and seasoned with salt, oil, vinegar and other ingredients.” In short, it is a preparation of seasoned raw foods. A raw food contains its maximum expression of vitamins and minerals and is considered the healthiest.

In recent years, salads have evolved spectacularly in every sense: types of elements, temperature contrast, different textures in the same dish, decorations,… One can also talk about classifications, although in general there are solid and liquid salads. , the classic ones like the Waldorf, the tartars, the carpaccios, the exotic ones, the traditional ones, and we could continue because the list is endless. 

And what can we say about the dressings! There are all kinds of mixes and flavors. And just like salads, the list is never ending. Vinaigrettes are different in each country. There is a classification or name in which it varies according to the type of oil or acid used, for example the French one has mustard to bind. Therefore, it is convenient to have several types of vinegars or oils in our kitchen to create different salads from their dressing. For example, fruits can be added to a summer salad and an aromatic and fruity vinegar such as apple cider vinegar is preferable for its dressing. If the fruits are acidic, try adding a touch of balsamic vinegar which is sweet and to a gazpacho a traditional wine vinegar mixed with a touch of sherry vinegar. As you can see, playing with ingredients can mean a before and after in making your own salads.

If you like to vary and create a salad with different textures and flavors, you can use this list as a reference to take into account and open the range of possibilities on your plate:

– Fresh leaves of different salads
– Sweet: carrot, fruits, dried fruit, 
– Crunchy: nuts, seeds, fried bread
– Acid: fruits such as raspberry, lemon vinaigrette, 
– Creamy: cheeses, avocado, hummus, 
– Sauce or vinaigrette


#summerfood #salads #vinaigrette



In recent years the concept of an anti-inflammatory diet has filled many articles, but what exactly is an inflammatory diet and what is it for?

Inflammation is a natural process that helps the body fight against some diseases and is part of our own body’s self-healing of any harmful element. But many times, the immune system does not respond correctly and chronic low-grade inflammation results. This inflammation can be constant throughout life and damage our cells and can do so to different degrees with diseases such as: psoriasis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome or even cancer. The symptoms we have to know if we are inflamed may be the following: joint pain, sudden mood changes, tiredness or exhaustion, problems regulating appetite or when you have difficulty concentrating.

Once we know what inflammation is, we are going to see what elements we should basically avoid in our daily lives: consuming processed foods, red meat, processed sugars, refined flours, hydrogenated fats, additives, alcohol, tobacco and any toxic substance in form of cosmetics. The clothes we wear or pollution can trigger or worsen inflammation. Others, such as stress, life anxiety, a sedentary lifestyle or poor sleep, are silent but can be a trigger. 

Some general guidelines to adopt a more natural lifestyle can help reduce inflammation: reduce sources of stress and know how to generate calm, have a sleeping routine, exercise regularly, consume an anti-inflammatory diet and even use more natural cosmetics.

To reduce inflammation, diet is essential to create new daily habits. In general, it has to be a diet rich in fiber to create a good microbiota and foods rich in omega 3 and 6 because they are anti-inflammatory. You also have to manage glucose and insulin with simple actions such as: avoiding overeating, avoiding snacking, spacing meals 3-4 hours apart.

An anti-inflammatory diet is based on a wide variety of foods that are rich in nutrients and contain a wide variety of antioxidants (vitamins and minerals): whole grains, healthy fats, fruits (especially berries) and vegetables, especially green ones which are rich in iron (mainly kale, spinach and broccoli), carbohydrates from tubers, legumes that contain quality fats that help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, seeds, sprouts, foods with fats with a high content of alpha linoleic acid (omega -3) (salmon and tuna, seeds, nuts), lean proteins, anti-inflammatory herbs and spices, EVOO and fiber. Probiotics and fiber have also been added as essential foods. Always use natural and fresh ingredients with small amounts of protein. The Mediterranean diet is a clear example of an anti-inflammatory diet.

Fresh products contain the vitamins and minerals necessary to fight inflammation, unlike processed products that have lost them due to excessive heat treatments, low product quality or long-lasting packaging.

The anti-inflammatory diet is based above all on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, since these contain the antioxidants necessary to fight free radicals. Antioxidants are molecules that destroy free radicals that are generated in food, such as repeatedly eating fried foods with used oil, smoking or having stress. Naturally, our body generates some antioxidants, but diet can contribute to their improvement.

Some foods contain a higher amount of antioxidants that we should add to our diet daily. These fresh foods allow us to fight inflammation, so having some simple recipes to use them in our kitchens helps a lot to introduce them into the diet. Here is the list of foods and some recipes to know how to prepare them:

  • blueberries: blueberry tartlet
    dark chocolate
    red cabbage
    dried beans
    Red grape
    beet: beet carpaccio
    cabbages, kale
    orange vegetables (sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrot): autumn
    curcuma: curcumin
    sage, thyme, oregano, 
    clove and cinnamon

    The conclusion drawn by the scientific document is that numerous studies on vegetarianism and inflammation show low concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers among vegetarians compared to omnivores. The vegetarian diet contains all those foods necessary to avoid inflammation because they are consumers of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, legumes, whole grains and vegetable fats. But the Mediterranean and DASH diets (for hypertensives) are also good diets.

    Summing up, in general what you should consume:

    raw salad type vegetables, carpaccio,…
    fresh fruit: 2-3 servings/day
    vegetables not overcooked
    fresh seasonal foods (contain more vitamins)
    whole grains
    very varied diet
    eat light and early
    hydration 2 liters of water 6-8 glasses (infusions)
    Herbs such as anise, mint, milk thistle, fennel, horsetail, dandelion, have purifying properties for our liver.
    probiotic foods: kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt, 


    #anti-inflammatorydiet #mediterraneandiet #pilarmontojo #vegetarianfood



As a cooking teacher, I have been hearing about new trends in cooking and food at food fairs for years. In this last forum I attended, the trends are very clear and go towards the plant-based world in any direction, be it living room, kitchen or pastry shop. In any area, vegetables have their place and also a great place. Vegetables have the power to make everything better, to improve it and even to be superior to other options. The plant world has given us that fresh air that dishes need and that innocent joy that awakens the senses.

But this path has not arrived now, we already know. The entry has been gradual but established. And it is here to stay because it is the solution to visual boredom, to the explosion of taste and above all to the certain desire to improve our health. If there are no vegetables there is no health. And they have it all.

The trend towards vegetables is closely linked to health, something essential today. The experience of a pandemic as a human being has highlighted our vulnerability and immunity to viruses and bacteria. This has accelerated the process of veganism and vegetarianism that was coming slowly since they are the foods that supply us with vitamins and minerals and build a wall against free radicals, malignant cells or any other destructive microorganism.

Restaurateurs need to sell health and customers crave it while enjoying a meal and socializing. Without artificial colors or aromas, naturalness is what rules today as a social good. Other points that the client needs, and I say needs because that is the word (perhaps ambitious but very true) is to see that the food is used in the season in which it is harvested. Well, it has its explanation, since each food has its season of the year, its optimal time to be consumed and enhance its functions as a nutritious food. During its harvest season, the food itself carries maximum nutrients and is accompanied by the colors of this period of time. Each color is a different vitamin, a different nutrient appropriate to our human needs in the most common possible health repair at that time, such as colds in winter accompanied by vitamin C from oranges.

Another trend in food is that we like familiar flavors, traditional dishes that have been modernized. Let’s think that they are flavors and mixtures of known ingredients and, furthermore, we like them. Tradition is synonymous with know-how and many chefs and cooks rescue dishes and flavors that we have engraved in our retina. So, it is a safe value that we also have the obligation to preserve. It is our cultural legacy, and the mothers who fed us those delicacies are disappearing and with them all their knowledge. Knowing that it came to them generationally because they are women, that caring for children is an obligation of a patriarchal system. They were survivors of food precariousness and knew, better than us, how to feed themselves and preserve nature at the same time.

And this marks the next trend, the sustainability of the product, knowing where it comes from and how it has been collected is essential. As well as that it is not wasted in its preparation process. Nowadays we want to know that everything is used and that our hands or the place where said food has been collected are completely clean. Made with the most natural products possible. Although I often differ on this point. Society is not yet prepared, gastronomically and culturally speaking, to want to know what pesticides are in the product of the land it is going to consume or whether the European glyphosate law is finally repealed. There is still a long way to go but we must inform ourselves more, take more interest in the field really at all levels because in the end it will be on our tables and menus. Always buying products from our country is supporting our farmers, taking an interest in their work, too.

As for desserts, the sweet part of the menus, there are some trends that are linked to all those we have mentioned. To begin with, we have become less sweet and therefore we do not want the added sweet to mask the natural tastes and if it can be a healthier sugar, the better. They are sugars in which their flavor is milder, composed of molasses and intrinsic flavors rich in nutrients with aromas of licorice or cinnamon.
The portions are also less copious, simple and light preparations, few ingredients, natural flavors, ultimately healthier.

We also love finding different textures in the same dish as well as different temperatures. This comes from long ago, it is nothing new. We have a classic of French cuisine “Crêppes Suzette” where we find a crêppe flambéed with Grand Marnier and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Truly one of the best desserts I know.

The word surprise amazes us. It’s like giving us a gift without knowing it in advance and a great personal experience. And as? With vegetables. Its use is increasingly more frequent and natural in desserts, such as pumpkins, sweet potatoes, beets and even celery or cucumber. And now to surprise you, use cooking techniques associated with salty cuisine such as grilled peaches or smoked yogurt sauce.

Restaurant dessert is different from that of a pastry shop. And we like to appreciate that difference as a variety of the gastronomic world. This must consist, as a non-imposed rule, of a solid part or main element, a crunch, a sauce, as well as aerated elements or foams. And in general it should be a moist dessert, easy to eat, unctuous on our taste buds for this final part of the meals in which there is always room.

As for the living room, the trend also comes from the plant world. New drinks have been introduced for the customer who does not want alcohol. Natural drinks such as the homemade kombucha from “Les Cols” in Olot with a beet or ginger flavor, more sustainable wines, non-alcoholic cocktails, more natural beers, infusions from the skin of the coffee bean or its flower and ultimately a world more careful with our health.

Food trends depend on us, the customers. The studies are a summary of what the customer wants (dessert trend study; Puratos). We must be aware that every time we order a dish, a menu, a coffee, a drink, the choice of a restaurant, its type of service, stop going to a tavern, buy one food or another, speak well of an establishment or criticize it, we are collaborating in each action and supporting an entire system. Our choice and each one of them is more important than we think and the future of gastronomy is in our hands, encompassing as such an entire system that is nourished by this wonderful world of food: restaurants, bars, farmers, fishermen. , nutritionists and even doctors. Because the choice is going to end up in our body, but we will talk about that topic another day.



October 1 has been World Vegetarian Day since 1977. The Vegetarian Society of North America chose this date as a vindication of this type of diet and the following year the International Vegetarian Union made it the world day. To have a broader spectrum, regarding the decrease in meat consumption, “Vegan Week” is celebrated during the first week of October. And even “Vegetarian Month”.

Without a doubt, the objective is to purify our body with products from the earth. Beyond the days established by a calendar, it is important not to consume meat or meat products once a week or one weekend a month. Our health will thank us for the cleanliness of our body.

Vegetarianism is not a fad, it already existed in ancient Greece and illustrious people from then and famous people today are vegetarians. Leonardo da Vinci, Pythagoras, Voltaire, Rousseau, Miguel de Cervantes, Charlotte Brontë, Louisa May Alcott, Tomas Alva Edison, Nietsche and Einstein were fervent defenders of this type of healthy eating. They were defenders of animal rights or criticized animal consumption. Today well-known figures such as Paul McCartney, Novac Djokovic, Lewis Hamilton, Stella Mc Cartney, Natalie Portman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Brad Pitt, Brigitte Bardot, Jane Goodall, Bryan Adams, Dani Rovira, Alaska or Alejandro Sanz are just a few examples of changes from food and thinking towards the personal and healthy well-being that this type of diet entails. The number of famous vegetarian people shows that whatever activity you do: physicists, scientists, writers, elite athletes, singers, actors or actresses, designers or cooks, they are the best in their field. even being vegetarians.

In the sixties, when vegetarianism began to be consolidated and there was talk of environmentalism, the hypothesis already appeared – later demonstrated – that a diet low in meat is capable of preventing and even reversing some chronic diseases such as coronary heart diseases. From then on, a food trend was generated that advocates taking care of animal welfare to look for the health and future of the planet.

In the eighties, more associations were generated in favor of animal rights. Also at the same time, environmental associations came into force in which vegetarianism was seen as a way to reduce the ecological footprint.

Since then, fresh organic products and plant-based products have proliferated in supermarkets of all types with sections that are increasing. Restaurants also add vegetarian dishes to their menus and menus. Vegetarian and vegan restaurants have already become normalized in our society. And starred restaurants introduce vegetarian dishes with the best style as well as sustainable practices that are awarded the green Michelin star. Schools already offer vegetarian options on their menus. The vegetarian phenomenon is becoming regularized and growing by leaps and bounds, as the numbers show.

According to the Spanish Vegetarian Union in 2021, 1.5% of the Spanish adult population was vegetarian; 0.8%, vegan and 10.8%, flexitarian. Today, 7.8% are vegetarian or include some animal products from time to time. The reason for being vegetarian is for ethical and animalistic reasons, for sustainability and for health reasons. In the world, between 5% and 8% are vegetarians and the most vegetarian country in the world is India.

The climate emergency has highlighted the need to consume less meat and thus make our planet more sustainable. The WHO already recommended reducing its consumption. Excessive red and processed meats are carcinogenic products. Furthermore, with the growing increase in the world’s population, there is a real protein self-sufficiency problem that we must take into account when making our food and, consequently, health decisions. We must remove meat a little so that it is something unusual in the daily diet and transform our beliefs towards a healthier life with vegetable proteins.

Choosing this type of diet is a very personal choice of which doctors and specialists point out numerous advantages: decreased cholesterol and circulatory diseases, lower blood pressure, prevention of osteoporosis, weight loss, prevents diabetes, improves asthma or prevents cancer among others. Although it also has drawbacks such as a lack of vitamin B12, a sufficient amount of protein, calcium or iron, but these can be easily achieved with a good knowledge of the vegetarian diet. Understanding how food works, and this one in particular, is essential today to avoid falling into deficiencies. Something that also happens in the traditional way of eating.

Have a nice vegetarian day!

#InternationalVegetarianDay #VegetarianDay



After the Christmas holidays and celebrations, our body has been stressed by eating a large quantity and diversity of food. Overeating can lead to indigestion by the simple fact of draining the allowed volume of the stomach and consequently, the possibility of having a reflux of acids into the esophagus. In addition to reflux, gas and bloating, it is also accompanied by weight gain and changes in appetite hormones.

That is when we have to help our stomach to regulate the digestive system again through easy-to-digest preparations in order to restore health to our stomach, the microbiota and the digestive system in general. They must be preparations that do not use a lot of energy by our body in their absorption and can restore the microbiota in the intestines, our second brain. These preparations are soups, broths and creams, liquid preparations with few ingredients and boiled cooking that is very easy for our digestive system to assimilate. They are eaten with a spoon and are not chewed, rather they are sipped, so the grinding work is basically nil. In order to be also curative, foods that have some exceptional property are used, such as garlic or onion, which are cardiovascular or prebiotic.

All these elaborations mentioned have two great points in common: hydration and heat. Heat is essential for personal restoration, in general. In cold times they are also highly recommended to warm up the whole body and help not catch so many colds. Maintaining body temperature is vital and there should be no significant decompensation. The well-being that human beings feel when eating hot food is vast: it relaxes the stomach, they are more digestible, the flavors are more noticeable and the chewing, swallowing and absorption process slows down. The downside of heat is the nutritional loss of water-soluble vitamins in cooking. Avoid making these liquid delicacies with high temperatures and excessive cooking times.

Hydration is also a really important point. We are made up of 60-70% water in general (we have different percentages depending on the organ) so all the functions of our body basically need water. Digestion is no different, and protein and fat are the nutrients that need the most water for assimilation. These liquid preparations allow you to restore the level of body fluids lost due to excess food and consequent digestion, and to maintain optimal hydration for recovery.

All these tips and knowledge can also be transferred when we are convalescing. When we are going through a cold, malaise or any minor illness, the body must fight with all its energy against said disease. The human body cannot allocate a lot of energy to digestion, which by the way, needs a lot to carry out the entire digestive process. Not hindering the destination of energy towards the recovery of health should be our objective, that is, through light work such as the consumption of soups and broths, some simple and easily assimilated preparations.

The consumption of these preparations also help in weight loss diets because they are very satiating. According to a study carried out, these liquid foods are more satiating than solid foods even though they have fewer nutrients. Surely the volume it occupies in the stomach influences the feeling of fullness. Consuming soups and creams at the beginning of meals is a good strategy to lose weight day by day and stay hydrated.

As for the most suitable time for its consumption, it is at dinner, although it is perfect as a starter for any meal. At night before going to bed, it is the moment in which we are going to rest and where we have a minimum consumption of calories. We do not need energy to sleep but we do need comfort to help fall asleep through body heat and little digestive work to be done.

The soup and the broth are preparations that help to cleanse, hydrate and revive our digestive system. It would be necessary to first define what is a broth and what is a soup. And perhaps it will be necessary to add what is a cream. Initially we are going to see the different nuances of these elaborations according to the Wikipedia dictionary* and later I am going to add data from my own culinary experience.

*A broth is, in gastronomy, a liquid that results after boiling one or more ingredients in water, usually meat, fish or vegetables (that is, a stock) to which cereals, pasta, vegetables are added.

The broth is a nutrient replenisher, like an isotonic food. I also consider it a cleanser for our entire digestive system: hot water with minerals that quickly acts as a plunger.

It is absorbed almost immediately and allows us to warm up instantly. If it is a vegetable broth, you have to cook it for a maximum of 15-20 minutes and if it is prepared at a low temperature, the nutrients are better used.

*Soup is a culinary preparation consisting of a food broth and one or more solid ingredients (vegetable or meat products) cooked in it.

The soup is made from a broth, although it is not strictly necessary. The soup allows us to mix liquid and solid foods at the same time, providing the best of each of them: hydration, solids with a contribution of extra nutrients and a bit of chewing that makes it even more satiating. A complete soup, for example, has it all: protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Then it can be eaten as a single dish.

*Cream is called a type of soup similar to a creamy puree, where the egg is optional. The base consists of a béchamel or velouté sauce, mixed with crushed vegetables and enriched with milk or cream.

This classic French definition has gradually dissipated to what is now known as a liquid puree of a specific ingredient with which it is to be named and thickened with starchy vegetables to avoid flour. They are also not necessarily enriched with fats.

Apart from eating all these elaborations as a dish, they can also be used to complement or be the basis for other dishes. Decorating them with different elements with crunchy textures, special cuts or simply seeds and nuts complement said preparation on a nutritional level. It can also be the destination of small amounts of food or leftovers from other meals, so they help to recycle food from our fridge. They are easy to prepare, fast, succulent, they fill us up and can be a good dinner. In addition, they can be made in larger quantities to save energy in the stove and they freeze very well due to the high water content. I recommend doing it in portions for quick defrosting.

Now that we know what type of gastronomic preparations are better when we feel bad and their versatility, we must know how to make some basic soups, creams and broths. We are going to make a series of videos with soups, broths and creams to have as a base to give ideas to your creativity. Be encouraged to cook soups, broths and creams, they are all benefits.

Vegetables soup
Garlic soup
Red Lentil Soup
Miso soup
Cream of zucchini




March 8 is International Women’s Day, previously called the Working Woman’s Day. The name change was made in 1975 and it was called that because until recently the woman could not work, own anything, open a checking account, run a marathon, get divorced or get an ID. This happened in our country in the years 1975-1985. Only 4 decades have passed and in a few years we have come a long way. The female vote was legal in 1976, recognized in the 1931 Constitution and repealed by Franco until the Spanish Transition.

The origin of the date are several, all of them extremely important. In March 1911 there was a fire at the Triangle Waist Co shirt-making factory in New York. The 129 workers and 17 male workers died, leaving another 70 injured. They were young immigrants between the ages of 48 and 14 and they were locked up for long hours so that there would be no robberies for a paltry salary. As a result of this tragic event, the labor legislation began to change. In 1914, it is the first time that women from all over Europe hold rallies to show solidarity in favor of peace and against war. In 1917, during World War I, Russian women and mothers, with spontaneous demonstrations in the face of hunger and desolation, achieved important changes. March 8 was the day the Soviet Union decided to proclaim International Women’s Day after achieving voting, abortion and divorce. Later, different countries were added to the same date.

This date may seem absurd today, but beyond what our generation has achieved, we must remember the reason for this triumph. We women can vote and be one more in society thanks to the effort and death of many of those who literally fought to have the rights we have today. For that reason alone, we must give it the importance it deserves.

Great women in history still appear in which her work has been ignored or transferred to a man so that he receives recognition. Marie Curie would not have received the Nobel Prize if her husband had not stood up. The committee did not recognize her work because she is a woman. This is repeated in fields such as literature or medicine.

Also, the knowledge we have is based on the male figure. A clear example is the symptoms of a heart attack. In men, they occur with oppression in the diaphragm area and intense pain in the left half of the chest that radiates to the arm, while in women cold sweating, nausea, or pain in the back, jaw, or jaw are much more common. and neck. This means that devices designed for cardiac support are more effective in men than in women.

It should be noted that there is still much to do. There are still countries that are not allowed to go alone, work, drive, study or show their face. And every time a woman dies at the hands of a partner, we are reminded of how vulnerable we are. Beyond femicide, other deep-rooted problems are female genital mutilation, harassment, sexual exploitation, abuse, stereotypes, etc. There is no social class in this area, and for this reason alone we must support each other as a society, men and women .

In the hospitality industry, the path has not been easy either. Women have been the cooks in the homes but professionally they are less recognized. We already know that the role of mother has come to the fore as one of the causes, but what man has done has been to make his name prevail thanks to the laws and the social support of his peers. As an important fact, more than half of the active population dedicated to the hospitality industry in Spain is female, 52%, and only 40% of the hospitality establishments are run by women, of which 10% have a Michelin star.

Personally, I can give my own vision because I have been a businesswoman and chef of my own restaurant. The path was not easy at all, from the perspective of constantly having to prove that I was the owner of the business (year 1993). -Excuse me, could I speak to the boss please? Yes, tell me it’s me.- Then his face changed and he tensed up to speak. At that moment I realized that most men are only comfortable talking to men. Fortunately this has been changing although there is still work to be done. Being commanded by women is still an option that is not liked in “some business areas.”

But beyond the private company where you put your roof, outside there, when you are an employee, everything changes, the rules are different. There is always a boss who tends to prefer men to collaborate, discern, discuss or speak. Which leads us to a constant invisibility. María José San Román, in charge of the Monastrell restaurant, with a Michelin star in Alicante, denounces that “invisibility is entrenched and invisible talent discourages future generations. It is a global problem whose change we can lead from Spain.

I join her in her opinion as a FP cooking teacher where only 30% of the student body and faculty are female. This means that this group must be made visible and supported, especially in making them see that their point of view is important and different: the way of working, expressing themselves or thinking.

As young cooks who are leaving their mark, we can luckily name many who have set up their own restaurant to make their way. This is the case of Lucía Freitas with @atafonarestaurante, María Gomez with @magogarestaurante or Lucía Grávalos @mentica_gastronómico. Although others already made their way years ago, such as Fina Puigdevall from @lescols_finapuigdevall or Carme Ruscalleda, already retired. Internationally we have Dominique Creen with 3 Michelin stars @atelier.creen. This brief summary of chefs that is growing more and more shows us a significant change in the hospitality industry that is highly anticipated.

To all of them and to the rest of the women,

Happy Women’s Day!